• When recording on both sides,
recording will not be made for
about 10 seconds while the tape is
switching sides.
• Do not use a high-position (TYPE
II) or metal (TYPE IV) tape. If you
do, the sound may be distorted
when you play back the tape, or
the previous recording may not be
erased completely.
• Do not connect or disconnect the
headphones/ earphones to/ from
i while recording from the radio.
The recording condition may
change abruptly, or noise may be
• To avoid noise interference, do
not place it near a lamp cord or a
fluorescent lamp when recording
with the microphone.
Op e ra t io n o n t h e m a in
u n it
On t h e re m o t e co n t ro l
Wh e n t o re p la ce /
ch a rg e t h e b a t t e ry C
Replace or charge the battery
when “ ” flashes in the display.
Normal (no indication)
(4.8cm/ s): for optimum
sound. Recommended for
normal recordings.
2× (2.4cm/ s): for double
recording time (for
example, 120 minutes
using both sides of a 60-
minute cassette). Suitable
for recording conferences,
dictations, etc. Not
Pro t e ct in g Yo u r
He a rin g — AVLS
(Au t o m a t ic Vo lu m e
Lim it e r Syst e m )
The maximum volume is kept
down to protect your ears.
Press MENU repeatedly in the
playback, stop or radio mode to
set the cursor in the display to
AVLS. Then press SET to show
This radio cassette-corder is
supplied with a special IC
memory function remote
control. When playing a tape,
recording or listening to the
radio, make sure that the
MODE switch is set to TAPE/
1 Press Bx twice quickly during
playback to tag point A.
2 Press Bx once more to tag
point B.
The tape will be rewound to
point A. Then the specified
portion is played repeatedly.
Tapes recorded with setting to
” cannot be played
properly on a cassette player/
tape recorder without this
AC-E15HG (not supplied)
playback to
the other side
during playback
Battery life* (Approx. hours)
Sony alkaline LR6 (SG)**
Ra d io Ca sse t t e -Co rd e r
Stop playback x (stop)
To prevent fire, do not cover
the ventilation of the apparatus
with newspapers, table-cloths,
curtains, etc. And don’t place
lighted candles on the
Tape playback
Radio reception
MIC recording
Radio recording
Fast forward
FF/ CUE during
Operating instructions
DC IN 1.5 V
To st o p t h e A-B Re p e a t
p la yb a ck
Press Y• REPEAT on the main
during stop
FWD (forw ard) side
REV (reverse) side
Pla yin g a Ta p e
recommended for
recording music.
To ca n ce l t h e AVLS
fu n ct io n
Press SET so that “ ” disappears
from the display.
On the remote control, press Bx.
To prevent fire or shock
hazard, do not place objects
filled with liquids, such as
vases, on the apparatus.
Certain countries may regulate
disposal of the battery used to
power this product. Please
consult with your local
Play the other Press and hold
side from the FF/ CUE for 2
Rechargeable battery
NH-14WM (A)
3 Select a recording source:
To record w ith the
To re se t A-B Re p e a t
seconds or more
1 Insert a cassette and if the
HOLD function is on, slide
the HOLD switch in the
opposite direction of the
arrow to unlock the
(Skip Reverse during stop.
When you want to change a
specific portion, stop the A-B
Repeat playback and tag point A
and point B again.
Tape playback
Radio reception
MIC recording
Radio recording
• If a howling effect occurs, turn
down the volume.
• All other operation cannot be
made while recording. For other
operation, stop recording first.
Connect the supplied
microphone to the MIC
You can attach the
©2003 Sony Corporation
Play the same Press and hold
side from the REW/ REVIEW
Usin g Ot h e r
Fu n ct io n s H
Ad ju st in g t h e Ta p e
Pla yb a ck Sp e e d
You can adjust the playback
speed using SPEED CONTROL.
– (slow) to play back at a slower
for 2 seconds or
(Rewind Auto more during
Play function) stop.
Printed using VOC (Volatile Organic Compound)-free
• You cannot specify a repeat
portion that includes both sides of
the tape.
• You cannot specify a repeat
portion shorter than 2 seconds.
• After repeated operation, the
actual portion that is played back
may shift somewhat from the
exact portion specified with the
tags due to tape slack.
• A-B Repeat stops automatically
after repeating 50 times.
• Do not use the A-B Repeat
function with tapes longer than 90
minutes. If you do, the tape may
be damaged.
2 Press MENU repeatedly to
set “__” (the cursor) in the
display to REC/ PB. Then
microphone to your
vegetable oil based ink.
To p re ve n t a t a p e fro m
b e in g a ccid e n t a lly
re co rd e d o ve r G
Break off the tabs from side A
and/ or B. To reuse the tape for
recording, cover the tab hole with
adhesive tape.
Plug in firmly.
* Press Y• REPEAT (on the
remote control, press the jog lever)
during fast forward or rewind to
start playback.
clothes as illustrated. F
To record from the radio
Tune in to the station you
want to record (see
Sony alkaline LR6 (SG)** and
Rechargeable NH-14WM (A)
Pre p a ra t io n s
Prepare a dry battery (not
supplied) or the rechargeable
battery (supplied).
(Press the center of the jog
press SET to select “
Tape playback
Radio reception
MIC recording
Radio recording
or none (normal speed)
which is the same position
as that used for recording.
To playback commercially
available music tape, etc.,
select normal (no
“Listening to the Radio”).
“WALKMAN” is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation to represent Headphone Stereo
Ot h e r Ta p e Op e ra t io n s
4 Slide REC.
To p la y t h e n e xt t ra ck/
su cce e d in g 9 t ra cks fro m
t h e b e g in n in g (AMS*)
On the remote control: Move the
jog lever toward FF/ + once or
repeatedly during playback.
On the main unit: Press FF/ CUE
once or repeatedly during
Center position to play back at
normal speed.
+ (fast) to play back at a faster
Dry Ba t t e ry A
is a trademark of Sony Corporation.
” appears in the
Attach the supplied battery case,
and then insert one R6 (size AA)
battery with correct polarity.
display and recording
starts after about 2 seconds
The validity of the CE marking is restricted to only those countries where it
is legally enforced, mainly in the countries EEA (European Economic Area).
* Measured value by the standard
of JEITA (Japan Electronics and
Information Technology
Industries Association). (Using a
Sony HF series cassette tape)
** When using a Sony LR6(SG)
“STAMINA” alkaline dry battery
(produced in Japan).
Usin g t h e Me n u
(3 seconds when “
selected for recording
” is
3 Press Y• REPEAT on the
main unit and adjust the
volume with VOL. (On the
remote control, press B
(play) x(stop).)
Ad ju st in g t h e Pla yb a ck
Mo d e s
Press MENU repeatedly to set
the cursor in the display to PB
MODE. Then press SET to select
the desired mode.
The SPEED CONTROL works in
the playback mode only. Recording
will be made independent of this
For maximum performance we
recommend that you use a Sony
alkaline battery.
If you have started
recording from the FWD
side, recording will switch
to reverse side
automatically at the end of
the FWD side.
To p re ve n t fire o r sh o ck h a za rd , d o n o t e xp o se
t h e u n it t o ra in o r m o ist u re .
Re co rd in g F
To p la y t h e cu rre n t t ra ck/
p re vio u s 8 t ra cks fro m t h e
b e g in n in g (AMS*)
On the remote control: Move the
jog lever toward –/ REW once or
repeatedly during playback.
On the main unit: Press REW/
REVIEW once or repeatedly
during playback.
Re ch a rg e a b le Ba t t e ry
You can record radio programs
from the built-in radio, or record
with the supplied microphone. In
either case, use a new or fully
charged battery.
Lo ckin g t h e Co n t ro ls
— HOLD Fu n ct io n
Slide the HOLD switch in the
direction of the arrow to lock the
controls of the main unit (except
SPEED CONTROL) or the remote
When adjusting the volume on
the remote control
Set the VOL control on the main
unit to around 6.
Do not install the appliance in a confined space, such as a bookcase or
built-in cabinet.
• The battery life may be shorter
depending on the operating
condition, the surrounding
temperature and battery type.
• The AVLS setting (see “Using the
Menu”) will be cancelled when
you replace the battery.
Charge the rechargeable battery
before using it for the first time.
To play
To st o p re co rd in g
Press x (on the remote control,
press Bx to stop recording).
both sides repeatedly
1 Insert the supplied
rechargeable battery NH-
14WM(A) into the rechargeable
battery compartment with
correct polarity.
2 Connect the supplied AC
power adaptor to the charging
stand, plug in the AC power
adaptor to the house current
3 Place the main unit on the
charging stand.
The CHG lamp will light up.
Full charging takes about 6
When adjusting the volume on
the main unit
Set the VOL control on the remote
control at maximum.
both sides once
from the FWD side
If the record-protect tab is broken,
you cannot record on that side.
To re d u ce n o ise w h ile
re co rd in g AM p ro g ra m s
Set the ISS (Interference Suppress
Switch) to the position that
reduces noise the most.
Ho u se Cu rre n t D
Usin g t h e Ta p e
Co u n t e r
* Automatic Music Sensor
Op e ra t io n o n t h e re m o t e
co n t ro l
Em p h a sizin g So u n d
You must purchase an AC power
adaptor AC-E15HG to operate
this unit using house current.
Remove the rechargeable battery
if inserted. Attach the battery case
and connect the AC power
adaptor AC-E15HG (not supplied)
to the DC IN 1.5V jack of the
battery case and to the wall outlet.
Do not use any other AC power
1 Insert a normal (TYPE I)
There is a tactile dot beside VOL
on the main unit to show the
direction to turn up the volume.
1 Press MENU repeatedly to set
the cursor in the display to
2 Press SET repeatedly to select
the sound emphasis of your
Se a rch fo rw a rd /b a ckw a rd
d u rin g p la yb a ck (CUE/
The tape counter is displayed on
the main unit during playback,
recording, fast forward, rewind,
CUE, REVIEW and stop (except
when the radio is turned on). The
number will increase when
playing back the FWD side, and
decrease when playing back the
REV side. To reset the counter to
“000”, press ENTER/ COUNTER
Jog lever
To record on both sides
Insert the cassette with the
side to be first recorded on
as the FWD (forward)
** The button or jack has a tactile
Press Bx for 2
On the remote control: Move and
hold the jog lever toward FF/ + or
–/ REW during playback and
release it at the point you want.
On the main unit: Press and hold
during playback and release it at
the point you want.
To m o n it o r t h e re co rd in g
so u n d
You can monitor the recording
sound through headphones/
earphones. Adjust monitoring
level using VOL.
playback to
seconds or more
the other side during playback.
Stop playback Press Bx once
* Make sure that “FWD” is
displayed. If not, press and
hold x until “REV” changes to
during playback.
The indications change as
RV : Sound Revitalizer
Emphasizes treble sound.
MB : Mega Bass
Emphasizes bass sound
(moderate effect).
GRV : Groove
Fast forward* Move toward
The CHG lamp will go off
when the battery is fully
FF/ + during
Specifications for AC-E15HG
vary for each area. Check your
local voltage and the polarity of
the plug before purchasing.
To record on one side
Insert the cassette with the
side to be recorded on as
the REV (reverse) side**.
**Make sure that “REV” is
displayed. If not, press and
hold x until “FWD” changes
to “REV”.
Move toward
–/ REW during
You may hear some noise in the
monitor sound in the RV, MB, or
GRV mode (see “Using the Menu”),
but this does not affect recording.
A-B Re p e a t
• The tape counter may show some
• The tape counter will not be
displayed when the cassette
compartment is empty.
A-B Repeat plays back repeatedly
any portion of the tape you
specified. Specify by tagging the
beginning (point A) and the end
(point B) of the portion during
Do not use the unit while charging.
Remove the unit from the charging
stand when using it.
– If you operate the unit while
charging, the battery will not be
– If you operate the unit while
charging, it may cause
– Do not place the unit on the
charging stand without the
rechargeable battery. Otherwise, it
may cause malfunction.
Play the other Move and hold
side from the toward FF/ + for
Side A
Emphasizes bass sound
(strong effect).
no message : normal (no effect)
Notes on recording
(Skip Reverse more during
function) stop.
2 seconds or
• The recording level is fixed.
• Sound emphasis (RV, MB, or
GRV) and AVLS settings do not
affect recording.
Tab for side A
Play the same Move and hold
side from the toward –/ REW
If the sound is distorted with the
mode “GRV”, turn down the
volume of the main unit or select
other modes.
• Actual recording will start about 2
When the cassette holder is
opened, the direction of the tape
will be automatically set to
On t h e m a in u n it
(t u rn o ve r)
seconds (3 seconds when “
is selected for recording time)
after you slide the REC button.
Slide the REC button about 2
seconds (3 seconds when “
is selected for recording time)
before the moment you want to
for 2 seconds or
1 Press Y• REPEAT for 2
seconds or more during
playback to tag point A.
“A-” will flash in the display of
the main unit.
(Rewind Auto more during
Play function) stop.
2 Press MENU repeatedly to
set the cursor in the
Tape counter
2 Press Y• REPEAT again to
tag point B.
display to REC/ PB. Then
press SET to select “
or none (normal speed).
start recording, or you will miss
the beginning of your recording.
“A-B” will flash and the tape
will move rapidly to point A.
Then “REP” appears in the
display and the specified
portion is played repeatedly.
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